MilCo Training Solutions
Our Services
Training Consulting
With over two hundred and fifty years of total practical and teaching experience, our instructors can help you design, develop, and deliver world class training to meet the needs of your employees.
Training and Delivery
Delivering training in over 25 programs and courses in a number of related areas but especially in Management, Leadership, and Supervision.
New Course Development
Our instructors and course developers have developed hundreds of courses to meet the training needs of our clients
Take your career in the right direction
With the current and future trends in public safety and criminal justice, leadership will need a new paradigm in order for public safety and criminal justice agencies to remain viable in their communities. Be the leader you can be and that your agency needs you to be moving forward.
Our customers say
These are but a few of the many comments many of our participants have sent our way:
The best training I have ever had. I use much of what I learned in a number of these courses every day in leading my team!
John P.
Wayne Coates and his team are leaders in providing leadership and supervision training to public safety officers.
Stephen M.
Some of the best trainers in the business!