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Training Courses
Training for the next generation of leaders

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Leadership & Management Academy (153 hrs.)First Line Supervision & Leadership Development (40 hrs.)Mid-Level Supervision & Leadership Management (100 hrs.)Executive Leadership & Management Development (140 hrs.)Background Investigations (16 hrs.)Internal Affairs Investigations ( 16 hrs.)Being Prepared for the Day (16 hrs.)Effective Public Speaking HY (40 hrs.)Ethical Leadership (16 hrs.)Field Training Officer (40 hrs.)Instructor Development (24 hrs.)Internal Affairs Investigations (16 hrs.)Mentoring the Underachieving Officer (16 hrs.)Report Writing for Law Enforcement HY (24 hrs.)Servant Leadership (16 hrs.)SRO Tactical Survival (40 hrs.)Leadership Fundamentals (8 hrs.)Developing Your Personal Leadership Strengths (8hrs)Team Building (8 hrs.)Time Management (8hrs.)Understanding Generational Differences (8 hrs.)Change Management (8 hrs.)Fair and Impartial Policing (8 hrs.)Leadership for Patrol Officers (8 hrs.)

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Effective Training Solutions
All of the courses listed above can be delivered in a traditional, online, or webinar format. Contact us today to learn how we might assist you in creating effective training solutions to meet your needs.